Monday, February 22, 2010

Master Bedroom

We got some new lamps and I finally got around to painting the furniture a color that doesn't clash horribly with the walls in the new bedroom.  Let's take a tour of the process, shall we?

First, I started picking at the buckling paint on the crappy plaster walls.  This of course escalated into a full-on OCD paint-scraping bonanza.

So after I had made a giant mess and scraped most of the paint off two walls, Jason decided that it would be best to start from scratch and just gut the room down to the studs.
The room sat like this for about 9 months, while we were squeezed into the then-crappy 2nd bedroom.  Although the two rooms are exactly the same size, the other room had awkward window, door, and shelf placement that made it feel really small.  We had to wait until the support beam in the basement was replaced before we could put up drywall.
Eventually, Jason re-framed the closet, combining the two tiny closets and funky pass-through into one giant closet with doors into both rooms.  By then the beam was done, and the drywallers were in and out in 2 days.  They did kind of a crappy job but at least we have walls now.

I'm pretty sure this is where the lazy damn cats spend most of their time while we're at work, paying for the roof over their furry little heads.
Dexter seems to be enjoying it.

And, these are the ceiling lights we got for the upstairs rooms.  Aren't they cute?  The shades match the dining room chandelier.  The flash made the etching and texture in the glass stand out more than it does in real life; it's pretty subtle, especially when the light is on.
One room down, 9 to go!  Oh man, that was supposed to be uplifting but now that I've done the math it's just depressing.

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